Michael Shuman (US in citizen diplomacy), 1994

Notes on Michael Shuman’s call re interview March 25, 1994
There is another man named Mikhail Schuman (I think) who is Julia Kalinina’s father. He is an electrical engineer who served as my driver in Moscow one year. I should find my interview with him.

He is now head of IPS [Institute for Policy Studies?]. He published a book, Citizen Diplomat, which he will send me a copy of. I am to read it and then we can have an interview. He says all the yarns he has are in it. He will also send appendices, which were never published because the USSR broke up and it would have been too much work to revise everything.

Also, he recommends that I get the Surviving Together Newsletters from ISAR — Institute for Soviet American Relations. phone 202/387-3034.

He has published a book recently called Security Without War, and says there is a new book by John Cavanagh and Richard Barnet, Global Dreams, which deals with globalization, economics, and democracy. GATT, etc.

The Russian Quest for Peace and Democracy, by Metta Spencer, published by Lexington Books