- Ruth Adams (Pugwash), 1995
- Ulrich Albrecht (German unification), 1994
- Herbert Ammon (Berlin peace politics), 1990
- Herbert Ammon (Berlin peace movement), 1994
- Mary-Wynne Ashford, 1992
- Egon Bahr, (common security idea) 1994
- Wim Bartels (IPCC leader), 1990
- Landrum Bolling (re Van Eeghen), 1994
- Elise Boulding (WILPF activist), 1990
- James Bush (formerly US nuclear sub commander), 1991
- Admiral Eugene Carroll (Center for Defense Info), 1992
- Tom Cochran (NRDC), 1995
- Maryanna Colwell (US peace orgs), 1993
- Robert De Gendt (Belgian activist), 1990
- Richard Deats (Fellowship of Reconciliation), 1991
- Jorgen Dragsdahl (Danish journalist), 1991
- Nicholas Dunlop (Parliamentarians Global Action), 1992
- Bill Epstein (UN, Canadian Pugwash), 1991
- Matthew Evangelista, 1994
- Richard Falk (WOMP), 1994
- Eric Fawcett (Toronto peace activist, physicist), 1990
- John Feffer (re Stankevich), 1993
- Johan Galtung (European security), 1993
- Ed Garcia (nonviolence), 1996
- Franklyn Griffiths (U of T sovietologist), 1991
- Guido Grunewald (German peace movement), 1992
- Michael Harbottle (British General for Peace), 1990
- Martha Henderson (re Joan Baez), 1994
- Adam Hochschild (travels in USSR), 1990
- George Ignatieff (re Gorbachev), 1989
- Bruce Jenkins (nonviolent struggle), 1995
- Leonard Johnson (Canadian general), 1990
- Mient Jan Faber and Mary Kaldor (HCA leaders), 1993
- Bernard Lown (IPPNW), 1994
- Michael Macpherson (re Tairov), 1990
- Mac Makarchuk (led Canadians to SPC events), 1990
- Lindsay Mattison (backchannel Afghanistan), 1992
- Saul Mendlovitz (WOMP), 1993
- Robert Neild (nonoffensive defence), 1994
- Chris Paine (US nuclear politics), 1995
- Margarita Papandreou (WTO foreign ministers), 1990
- Eric Fawcett, Arthur Forer, Derek Paul, and Anna Lou Little, 1986
- Derek Paul (scientists), 1990
- Geoffrey Pearson (Canadian ambassador to USSR), 1992
- Laurama Pixton (Quakers), 1994
- Rob Prince (World Peace Council), 1992
- Michael Randle (British support to dissident Jan Kavan), 1992
- Joseph Rotblat (Pugwash), 1994
- Joseph Rotblat (2 visits), 1994, 1995?
- Gilbert Rozman (China, agriculture), 1992
- Harold Saunders (Dartmouth Group), 1992
- George Sherry (Dartmouth Group), 1992
- Michael Shuman (US in citizen diplomacy), 1994
- Michael Simmons (AFSC), 1993
- Hans Sinn (German unification), 1994
- Jeremy Stone (FAS), 1995
- John Tirman (unilateral initiatives), 1994
- Aaron Tovish (Parliamentarians), 1992
- Aaron Tovish (nuclear negotiations), 1993
- Aaron Tovish, (nuclear weapons politics),1995
- Frank von Hippel (physicist), 1995