Here we present a glossary of terms, acronyms, and names used in the book and on this website.
- ABM Treaty
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
- Action Program
- Main document stating the objectives of the Prague Spring
- Amendment Conference
- proposed conference intended to turn the PTB unto a CTBT
- Article 6 of the Soviet Constitution
- the article that guaranteed a “leading role” for the Communist Party in the Soviet government
- Ballistic missile defense
- Bolshevik Party
- the original communist faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party that seized power and became the CPSU
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
- magazine published by scientists who opposed nuclear weaponry
- Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies, based in Belgrade
- Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights
- Yury Dzhibladze’s organization in Moscow
- Central Committee
- The main administrative body of the Communist Party.
- Conventional Forces in Europe (treaty)
- Charter 77 (Czech: Charta 77)
- Group that demanded democracy in Czechoslovakia before the Velvet Revolution
- The US Central Intelligence Agency
- Civic Peace
- Briefly a Russian peace organizations that was able to put on the END convention in 1991, just before the coup
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, a British peace organization
- Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers
- an organization consisting mainly of the parents of soldiers concerned about their sons’ wellbeing
- Committee to Protect Journalists
- organization that attempts to defend journalists everywhere and publicizes abuses against them
- Communist International
- there were several international organizations over time devoted to promoting communism throughout the world. The one formally called the Communist International (Comintern) was active between 1919–1943.
- Congress of People’s Deputies
- a democratic parliament that was formed during Gorbachev’s administration
- CP
- Communist Party
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Confidence and Security Building Measures
- Committee of Soviet Scientists for Peace and Against the Nuclear Threat
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- Dartmouth Conferences
- elite organization that brought together Soviet and American leaders for long-running dialogues
- De Burght Conferences
- meetings arranged in the Netherlands that marked the movement of the Soviet Union toward religious freedom
- Democratic Russia
- a mass movement that supported Yeltsin before he took office
- East/West Dialogue Group
- A spin-off group from END that had carried on discussions between Eastern and Western activists
- European Nuclear Disarmament, the umbrella organization that brought together peace groups all over Europe and the Soviet Union
- Eurocommunists
- European communists in several countries who were much more democratic than the CPSU
- Federation of American Scientists
- an organization of American scientists who opposed nuclear weaponry
- Freedom and Peace
- Polish group of youths demanding the right to conscientious objection
- Freedom House
- organization in the US that monitors adherence to democracy in all countries of the world and publishes their findings
- the successor organization to the KGB
- “government-organized non-governmental organization“— the term is a joke to designate capture of NGO activities by the state
- Gorbachev Foundation
- Institution in Moscow founded by Gorbachev, where he fosters research and charitable projects
- Green Cross International
- Organization founded by Gorbachev to promote the environment and peace globally. Based in Geneva
- Green World
- Ukrainian environmental movement
- Greenham Common Peace Camp
- British site of a nuclear weapons installation where women camped in protest for several years.
- Graduated Reciprocation in Tension Reduction; an approach to resolving an impasse without negotiating but by taking limited initiatives
- Group to Establish Trust Between East and West, Group to Establish Trust Between USSR and USA
- Trustbuilders, Group for Trust. An independent organization carrying out peace work in the Soviet Union
- Helsinki Citizens Assembly, a peace group bringing together citizens of the East and the West
- Human Rights Commission
- organization founded by Burlatsky in 1988 and co-chaired by Rosalynn Carter
- Dutch inter-church peace organization
- Institute of World Economy and International Relations, a Moscow research institute
- INF Treaty
- Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty—a major achievement of Gorbachev and Reagan
- Institute of World Economy and International Relations
- Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies
- Randall Forsberg’s institute In Massachusetts
- Institute of Social Sciences
- an elite Moscow training institution for foreign communists, who were isolated from Soviet society
- Institute of State and Law
- research and training institute for specialists in government
- International Center for Development Policy
- A Washington organization led by Lindsay Mattison
- International Department
- The branch of the Communist Party dealing with international affairs
- International Federation of Journalists
- An organization that keeps records of human rights abuses directed against journalists for doing their work
- International Foundation for Survival and Development of Humanity
- International foundation created by Yevgeny Velikhov
- Inter-Regional Group of People’s Deputies
- a group of radically democratic members of the new Congress of People’s Deputies.
- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Co-founded by Bernard Lown and Yevgeny Chazov. A major organization during the 1980s and 1990s
- Institute For the Study of the USA and Canada. Also known as USA/Canada Institute
- Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow
- the state security police of the USSR
- Kmara
- Enough!— the Georgian organization that ousted Shevardnadze
- Kommunist
- the main magazine of the Soviet Communist Party
- Kurchatov Institute
- major nuclear research institution in Moscow
- Living Ring
- organization comprising people who had been present at the Russian White House defending Yeltsin against the coup
- Los Alamos
- site where the first atomic bombs were developed in the US
- “mutual assured destruction”—the idea behind deterrence as a way of preventing real wars
- Memorial
- An organization of activists devoted to keeping alive the memory of Gulag victims and working for human rights
- MI6
- The British spy agency
- multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles
- Moscow Helsinki Group
- Russians who intended to hold the Soviet Union to its commitment to the Helsinki Accords
- Moscow Limited Test Ban Treaty
- Partial test ban treaty that bans nuclear weapons in outer space and under water
- Moscow Protocol
- a forced agreement between the leaders of the Prague Spring and the Soviet leaders
- National Endowment for Democracy
- government-funded institution in Washington, D.C. that promotes democratic capacities around the world
- New Economic Program. Period when Lenin allowed small businesses to resume.
- Nevada-Semipalatinsk
- Organization of citizens opposing the testing of nuclear weapons in both the US and the Soviet Union
- Nonviolence International
- a peace organization with branches in the US, Bangkok, and Russia, where it does much work in the Caucasus
- Novo-Ogarevo Treaty
- the new Union Treaty that would have been enacted if the coup against Gorbachev had not occurred
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
- National Resources Defense Council. An American organization addressing environmental and peace issues
- Oborona
- a Russian nonviolent movement that aims to organize a color revolution
- Open Russia Foundation
- founded by Khodorkovsky, this organization was disbursing money for democratization until Khodorkovsky was arrested
- Orange Revolution
- the movement in Ukraine that protested against a fraudulent election and won a more democratic government
- Palme Commission
- A group led by Olof Palme to develop common security.
- Italian Communist Party
- People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, then the communist regime in Afghanistan
- Pew Research Center
- American research organization that studies public opinion
- Parliamentarians for Global Action. An association of legislators around the world who work on peace-related issues.
- Politburo
- principle policy-making committee of a Communist Party
- Pora
- the nonviolent movement that organized the Orange Revolution in Ukraine
- Prague Spring
- a movement led by Gorbachev’s friend Zdeněk Mlynář to liberalize the CP of Czechoslovakia. It was crushed.
- Problems of Peace and Socialism
- the journal known in English as the World Marxist Review
- Promoting Enduring Peace
- A group of Westerners who cruised down the Dnieper together in 1989
- Public Chamber
- a body created by Putin to investigate social problems and recommend solutions. It is not independent, but run by the state
- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
- international organization of scientists who call for nuclear disarmament
- Radio Liberty
- A foreign radio that broadcast information that the Soviet state did not want disseminated
- Rukh
- Ukrainian nationalistic movement
- Russian Peace Society
- An independent group of citizens during the Gorbachev years who promoted Tolstoy’s ideas
- Sajudis
- Lithuanian popular front
- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
- an important American peace organization during the 1980s. Merged with the Freeze campaign.
- Sary Shagan
- Kazakhstan site for testing laser ABM technology
- Soviet Committee for the Defence of Peace (Soviet Peace Committee)
- Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars,” Reagan’s hoped-for missile defence system
- Servicio de la Paz y Justicia
- Latin American group that carries on nonviolent resistance against dictators and undemocratic regimes. Also known by the acronym SERPAJ
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Six Nations Peace Initiative
- Also “Five Continent Peace Initiative“—an organization of six states developed mainly by Parliamentarians Global Action
- Soldiers’ Mothers
- see Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers
- Solidarność
- the trade union that won freedom for Poland from Soviet control.
- Soviet Academy of Sciences
- The main organization of scholars in the Soviet Union
- Soviet Peace Committee
- Soviet Committee for the Defence of Peace (Soviet Peace Committee)
- Soviet Peace Fund
- money donated by Soviet citizens to be used by the official peace organizations run by the state
- Soviet Political Science Association
- professional organization founded by support research on political matters.
- SS-20
- Soviet mid-range missile
- Strategic Defense Initiative
- the missile defence system that Reagan hoped to create
- Transnational Radical Party
- peace-oriented international party based mainly in Italy but with a branch in Moscow
- Transparency International
- an organization that monitors corruption in all countries and reports their findings publicly.
- Trust Group, Trustbuilders
- Group to Establish Trust Between the USSR and the USA
- Twentieth Party Congress
- the party meeting in which Khrushchev revealed the crimes of Stalin
- Union Treaty
- the treaty that would have replaced the old constitution of the Soviet Union, had it been adopted
- United World Federalists
- an NGO in which Norman Cousins played a major part, fostering world governance
- USA/Canada Institute
- a Moscow research institute, the Institute for the Study of the USA and Canada, also known by the Russian acronym ISKRAN
- Voice of America
- a broadcasting system supported by the US government and covering much of the Soviet Union
- Westminster Foundation
- British organization parallel to the National Endowment for Democracy
- World Order Models Project, led mainly by Falk and Mendlovitz
- World Peace Council
- Warsaw Treaty Organization
- Yabloko Party
- A liberal party that had a significant following during the 1990s but is not allowed to publicize its programs now
- Zero Option
- Reagan’s proposal not to deploy Pershing missiles if the Soviets would remove their missiles